Financial Reports - understanding the Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is the accounting report that reflects the economic and financial situation of a company at a given time. That is, it's a “still photo” of the situation of the company, which allows us to analyse the state of the company and make decisions accordingly.
It is also possible that the
balance is generated by comparing it with the same date of the previous year,
in order to recognize possible changes in the company’s behaviour.
The balance sheet is structured
in two blocks; Assets and Liabilities.
Does your balance sheet balance?
The fundamental principle of the
balance sheet is that the assets, liabilities and equity must
balance, that is, the balance sheet must balance. If not, you must
review the accounting, as it is certain that we will have been a misposting.
There is another possibility by
which a balance may not balance. When we perform accounting in a computer
program, this usually allows us to create accounting codes and select whether
the account you’re creating is a balance sheet account or a profit and loss
However, when the accounting
program generates the balance sheet report, they do so by including only the
accounting codes that when created have the balance sheet as the type selected.
So, if your balance sheet doesn’t balance and you’ve recently added new
accounts to this for example a new bank account it’s a good place to start and
check that they have been created correctly.
In the case of Reviso when both
the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Report are being generated and the
program detects how many account codes are outside the chart of accounts, a
notice is provided detailing this.
Balance sheet items are grouped
and sorted according to fixed criteria that facilitate their interpretation.
For example, bank accounts are given the account type of Balance Sheet and the
Account Category of Bank and cash balances.
The asset is placed according to
its liquidity, that is, the ease with which it can be converted into
money. It is in turn divided into Current and Non-Current Assets.
The order is from lowest to
highest liquidity, the first items being the fixed assets and the last the
money deposited in the bank (the most liquid there may be).
Net Assets over Liabilities
The Net Assets and
Liabilities are sorted according to their enforceability, from lowest
to highest. Following this criteria, the Net Equity, which
contains the Own Funds (Capital, reserves, …) the least
enforceable elements of the company, that is, they are the last resort that
would be used to address debts to third parties.
Then there would be the Liabilities,
also ordered from least to highest enforceability. The most demanding
elements would be debts with authorities such as VAT and tax then suppliers
that are usually very short term.
When the businesses assets are
more than the liabilities the business is classed as solvent, when the
liabilities are greater than the assets then this is not a good place to be and
the business would not be in a position to pay their creditors.
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