The cybersecurity of your company is an ongoing task


Currently companies handle a massive amount of data and, among them, malicious data that goes virtually unnoticed and that should be identified in order to avoid possible cyber attacks to our web pages and servers, among other areas.

It is a problem that seems to be becoming more day to day and we must take into account that we are all vulnerable to this. One of the priorities of any business should be to protect the company from possible computer attacks, since the consequences can be fatal.

Therefore, we wanted to make this blog and tell you a little more about cybersecurity and the possible or types of attacks that any company may suffer.

What is cybersecurity?

The word cybersecurity refers to the mechanisms that have the purpose of defending the computer systems of a possible attack, repelling it and even eliminating it.

By living in a modern and technological world we work daily with a multitude of applications and smart devices. Therefore, it is vital to have competent defence tools and work in environments that provide the security we need.

What types of computer security are there?

Software security

Its main purpose is to protect the system or the computer application from possible failures or errors that the software itself may have and, thus, not expose channels or channels through which threats may enter.

Network security

Network security protects the information we have available through the Internet, whether this is through images, files or any stored data. This information could be violated and used in a malicious way by external agents, that is why we need to protect ourselves from possible threats.

In this way, this type of security performs a series of activities in charge of protecting the network, activities that ensure usability, integrity and data security. Some of the tools that can be used for this purpose are antivirus programs, which act in real time, antispyware and firewalls.

Hardware security

The security of the hardware defends everything that has to do with the privacy of information, unauthorized access or theft of identity in our local systems.

We can use solutions such as antivirus programs to prevent them from entering our devices and corrupt or destroy the information stored locally. These systems will protect our hardware, as well as the data that we may have stored in it.

Other examples of this type of hardware security can be user authentication using a password or tools such as BitLocker, native Windows, which will allow you to have greater security and greater encryption in the access to your data.

Cloud or cloud software

Working with fully native applications in the cloud will prevent us from worrying so much about hardware security threats, since all our important data will be stored in a secure and real-time way in servers with a high level of encryption and security controls at European level.


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