Managing stress the way we should

 The intense and hectic pace of the Working life is undoubtedly one of the main causes of the occurrence of clinical symptoms of stress. Self-employed, entrepreneurs and small business owners have working days that run from getting up in the morning until the end of the day and the go to bed again. This makes it very difficult to switch off. In addition, there are constant tensions that affect health at various levels that can also have an impact.

Persistent stress can, over time, increase the risk of heart disease and the onset of depressive symptoms, and even promote the occurrence of obesity due to poor eating habits. Without forgetting something that can also be very important: the decline in cognitive performance. An overworked mind is less and less able to make the right decisions.

Dealing with stress in everyday life must become a task which must be taken very seriously in order to ensure an increasingly quiet working life. Enjoy some of the most successful techniques and strategies to reduce stress, avoiding and learning to deal with it are listed below:

Maintain a positive attitude

The business of any self-employed person can provide good and bad times and you have to learn to deal with them. Maintaining positive attitudes and thoughts is a great help to reduce stress and improve mood. Problems with a positive attitude helps to solve them better. Even when something goes wrong, negative thoughts need to be challenged so that they disappear and no longer intoxicate the mind.

Cherish what you have

Although ambition is an essential part of the motivation that every entrepreneur or self-employed person needs, we need to know how to create a positive and realistic ambition to get away from frustration and stress which arise from overly great ambitions that are not reflected in the at the desired speed.

Numerous scientific studies show that gratitude for and appreciation for what you have helps reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. It's positive to spend every day with an attitude of gratitude, because it gives us more energy. Creating a better state of mind that helps us achieve our goals without to incriminate ourselves.

Avoid thinking about the future

It is obvious that the future will be more or less and we are constantly trying to predict what they will bring us. Although it can be positive to see things from a perspective we need to avoid falling into a stressful lifestyle, in which we constantly ask ourselves: "What would happen if...?" because it generates great dissatisfaction and a sea of doubts that are of no use in everyday life. It's much better to focus on the present and to see the future as something that is still ahead of us. 

Disconnect from work

When we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available, we are exposed to a situation in which we are constantly stressful, inputs that force us to constantly make decisions. to find solutions for everything. This lifestyle is the main cause of stress and we need to find a way to get away from work. For example, by turning off the phone when we go home, or on weekends. It is also positive to prevent business e-mails are stored on your personal mobile phone so that no e-mails are disrupting the separation.

Get a good nights sleep

A minimum of regular hours of sleep is important so that the brain can rest and recharge its batteries for the new day. Lack of sleep increases stress levels, and stress also increases nocturnal Insomnia. It is a cycle that must be broken, as it destroys the situation of those who suffer from it. It's important to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day to be 100% fit and situations such as eye strain, headaches and avoid loss of performance at work.


Sport is one of the most important opportunities to develop over the course of the stress and tension accumulated during the working day, and to ensure that all medical experts point out that he is an essential ally of which needs to be taken into account. By exercising regularly we release endorphins, which help us to reduce stress and also to get better at night. sleep. Jogging after work or going to the gym can become a habit that reduces stress significantly eliminated.


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