The road to personal development


Do our private and work lives influence each other? The answer is inevitably, “Yes, of course.”

 Perhaps there are people who find it easier to switch off when they have a personal problem and can carry on with their job or tasks without any problems. In fact, in some cases, work can even help us unwind. However, when we work in a hostile or unmotivating environment, it can become a nightmare when we also have serious problems at home, with our friends or with our personal finances.

Although in our world today it seems like we are pressured to separate our personal life from our work like, the truth is that these two should not be two watertight areas. There are also lessons from one that can be applied to the other to enrich each other. 

Some key points to keep in mind are:

  • Personal development – ​​It would be ideal if we all worked on what we are good at, what motivates us or what we have studied for a job or training. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and many people are not motivated in their work. It's interesting to talk to a coach, a psychologist or even friends and family about what tasks we like and what our strengths are. 

  • Making decisions and changing our minds – when we decide on a job, it is important to make the decision with all its consequences. Maybe we're not entirely convinced by the schedule, the salary, the distance, the colleagues, but we need to take stock of what aspects convince us and if they outweigh the inconvenience, proceed diligently. This does not mean that we cannot change professions, positions, opinions or preferences throughout life. We also need to allow ourselves these changes and flexibility if they will make us happier in our lives and in our work.

  •  Personal relationships and family balance – it is very important to maintain a balance between personal and professional life. There are people who live only for their work and have to pay for it in the long term, and who suffer from loneliness when they retire or when they get sick and cannot work. In addition, we must choose a job that allows us to balance work with our personal and family life.


  • Relationship with colleagues – when we get along well with our colleagues or superiors, we may be more motivated and fulfilled in our work, this is undeniable. However, there are also people who are able to motivate themselves and feel good about their work even in less than favourable situations. This aspect depends on each person and everyone must try to find their optimal personal and professional situation.


  • Physical health and emotional well-being – any type of physical activity is beneficial to our bodies and minds, and this benefit also affects our work performance. There are companies that have a gym, but there are also employees who prefer to take a walk before or after their lunch break. They may also like to do a short meditation of about 15 minutes, which is enough to switch off from work tasks and recharge for the second part of the day. Others take the opportunity to call friends or family or simply check social networks to escape the day's work tasks. Every person has to decide what suits them best.


  • Self-motivation - even if we do not develop leadership positions in our work, in our life we ​​certainly do, because we have to manage our house, our finances, maybe take care of our children, our elders... In short, everyone is the owner of their life, their home, their family, even if at work you're an employee without much responsibility within the company. We can apply the same philosophy and thinking that we apply in our daily lives to our work. Even if we are just following orders there, we have the opportunity to do so consciously and to do our best to be satisfied with our work, even if we don't receive any recognition for it.


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