
Showing posts from April, 2023

Stress levels and how to manage them

The intense and hectic working life is undoubtedly one of the main causes for the occurrence of clinical stress symptoms.  The self-employed, entrepreneurs and small business owners have working days that go from early in the morning to late in the evening.  This makes it very difficult to switch off from work and also creates constant tension that can affect health on various levels. Persistent stress over time can increase the risk of heart disease, the onset of depressive symptoms, and even promote the onset of obesity due to poor eating habits.  Without forgetting something that can also be very important: the decrease in cognitive performance.  And it a fact that an overworked mind performs less and is less able to make correct decisions. Managing stress in everyday life has become a very serious task in order to have a calmer and more peaceful work life.  Some of the most successful techniques and strategies to avoid and learn to manage stress are listed below: Keep a positive at

ABC of Accounting – Bank Reconciliation

  The importance of bank reconciliation Bank reconciliation plays a pivotal part in the monthly accounts of any company, large or small. Ensuring your bank is reconciled with your accounting package every month is on the top of every bookkeeper and accountants checklist and should be on yours. Making sure your accounts package reflects all payments and receipts passed through your business bank account is the cornerstone of good accounting practice. SME’s and Freelancers  and, depending on what type of business you operate have the opportunity to base their accounts on what is termed as ‘Cash Accounting’. This is when you only process costs when you have paid for them and sales when you have received the payment. This makes for completing a bank reconciliation crucial as their VAT Return will be based on all of these transactions as they will be shown on the bank statement. Larger companies adopt the Accrued Accounting method which is based on invoice date so, irrespective of whether t

Flexible or tailored salary

  The evolution of the concept of salary Our salary is the compensation we receive from our employer. Traditionally it has suffered a tension between two opposing tendencies, the one we wish to have in order to feel satisfied in exchange for the work done, and the one that the company wants or can pay. As a result of this tension, as well as social and economic changes, and always affected by the fluctuations of the crisis and the expansive economic cycles, the concept of salary has evolved and changed, especially once the 21st century has entered. We have gone from the fixed payroll that only varied depending on seniority, the variable salary determined by commissions on sales only for commercials, the remuneration in kind (with great development at the end of the last century) and the current concept of  flexible salary and / or as. Even in recent years there is talk of  emotional salary , although this concept encompasses aspects that have traditionally been related to the work envi

How to convince your clients to work with your accounting program

  In the new model of  digital advice in professional offices , there are several challenges that advisors must face in the management of change. The change itself to the digital world is already an important challenge, as offices must change their work philosophy and introduce new technological applications to modernize the usual processes. One of the great advantages  of digital transformation in the advisory sector is the possibility that is presented to  work collaboratively with clients , which makes it possible to save working time and improve communication between the advisor and the client in reference to business management. Sometimes, consultants find it difficult to convince their clients to use their same accounting and / or billing software. The main reason is usually the fear of making a change in their usual internal arrangements, however, the benefits are much more important and numerous. 5 reasons for your client to work with your accounting software 1. Advantages of w

ABC of Accounting – Analytical or cost centre accounting

  In this new blog of our ABC Accounting series we are going to discuss the concept of  analytical accounting or cost centres. Analytical or cost centre accounting Cost centre accounting has the function of  detecting the consumption of costs and distributing them in the operating departments  individually, as well as detecting the origin of the costs involved in the manufacture of a product or provision of a service we perform. In companies that produce and sell different products, or offer different services, a uniform distribution of costs between departments would not be correct, because these costs are likely to affect more than one department of the company differently. In the same way when we talk about income, these should be assigned to each department or business unit according to the criteria with which we have created the cost centres. Analytical or cost centre accounting creates clearly differentiated areas of responsibility , which control the cost centres profitability a

The truth about the cloud

  The cloud is a  new storage method  that has arrived and is here to stay. However, like any novelty, it is possible that there are doubts about its operation, or that we have heard rumours that are not true. Therefore, to introduce you to this new co-worker and facilitate its use we will end these common myths. The most affordable option Although you have heard out there that the cloud is less affordable than the local solution, it is not true in all cases, in fact, it  is cheaper . In most cases,  the cloud carries less costs  than a local solution, since it is not necessary to have physical space or infrastructure for it. In this way, the cloud is the system for those companies that begin their  digital transformation  gradually  thanks to its flexibility . Initially  the cloud  will always be  more affordable , although this cost will increase as the needs of the companies grow but never as a local format. The cloud the safest way Both local solutions and the cloud are perfectly s

Payment with card or cash?

  Today everyone carries at least one debit card in their pocket. We can even see that there are studies that indicate that most of us use a type of credit/debit card for various payments. In fact, the credit card is gaining ground against the debit card, of more traditional use in the UK and, given this, we have the eternal question, what is better, pay by card or cash? Like almost everything in the world of the economy, the answer is not clear but more and more it is tilting in favor of the cards, although until not long ago many establishments did not allow card payment due to the commissions supported by the use of the POS. The banking competition has gradually resolved this problem to the point that many establishments no longer have a minimum card payment limit. In addition, the possibility of linking cards to apps, mobiles, etc., makes their use something increasingly useful and fast. The cash payment, in the end, only has a clear advantage, which is rather psychological, and th

ABC of Accounting – Accounting accruals

  In the accounting terms Accruals can play a big part in a company’s accounts. In this article we will explain what accounting accrual is and how to use accruals in our accounting. What is accounting accrual? Accruals are an accounting fact that serves  to reflect in accounting the operations in the corresponding period, that  is, in the exact period where they occur or take effect. Among the  General accounting principles  we can find the  accrual principle , which refers to the registration of economic transactions when they occur. To be more exact, we can read the Accrual principle below: “The effects of the transactions or economic events shall be recorded when they occur, imputed to the year to which the annual accounts refer, the expenses and income that affect it, regardless of the date of payment or collection.” That is, the income and expenses recorded in the accounting must be divided between the accounting periods in which that operation or accounting event actually occurs,

Employees – Acquisition and leadership

  The motivation of an entrepreneur is not only to run a profitable company, but also to realize an idea and market it optimally for customers. Of course, you should be able to expect the same from the employees and complete identification with the idea and the company. This results in the difficulty of finding the right employee for the right job. In most cases you try to find people in your own network who roughly meet the requirements. Of course, this can work, but it would be better to look for employees professionally.  Acquisition and Leadership First of all it is necessary to work out a precise job description. The activities are to be defined as precisely as possible. Furthermore, the position within the organization chart must be precisely defined, areas of responsibility and tasks also defined. These specifications then also result in the requirements and experience for the future employee. Then you can either hire an external HR specialist to make the selection or go your ow

Tips and tricks to combine work and family life

  In these difficult times, it is all the more important to get work and family life under one roof. For those of us who can work from home, it is important to maintain a structured everyday life. Flexible working hours Many employers already offer their employees flexible working hours so that parents can decide when they can work. So you can talk to your partner, start one day later and stay in the office another day longer. Home office with children Set up fixed times, but give yourself plenty of time for everything. Better plan more time and deal with it so that you do not have enough time for the things you have planned. Things that cannot be done with children can be worked off during the afternoon nap or in the evening. And of course you can take turns with your partner. Schoolchildren can do their homework while their parents are working, and smaller children can be engaged in painting, crafting, and other games, while the adults can do a few chores. Raise children to be indepe

ABC of Accounting – Accounting Ratios – Part 1

  Accounting ratios are a very useful tool to use when analysing the performance of your business. Knowing how to use and interpret these will enable you to get a better understanding of your business and in turn act as an aid to manage your business and ultimately help it grow. Is your business Profitable It’s all about making a profit and many business owners out there still get confused with gross and net profit and there’s a big difference. You need to be able to make a gross profit in order to have enough left to not only cover your overheads and fixed expenses but to plough into your next years projections especially if you’re looking to expand. Gross Profit Your gross profit is calculated by subtracting the cost of your goods sold from your revenue/sales and your gross profit margin as a percentage is calculated by using the formula Total Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold / Total Revenue x 100. For example, if a company has a total revenue for the month of £150k and cost of sales/goo

Security tips on our social networks

  Social Networks Social networks have become  a window into our lives  through which we share the different facets of our day to day. However, through this window it can also be the entrance from which  our data can be stolen and the information  that we wish to remain private. That is why we have to be especially careful when using social networks and take  a series of measures  to guarantee our security. Be careful with what you spread Through social networks we share everything that happens to us but also something else such as phone number, address or more intimate information. However, without knowing it,  we are unprotecting our security . To avoid this, it would be very useful to review our publications and thus also learn to enhance personal branding. Keep in mind who your followers are There is a great variety of social networks, each of them fulfills a different purpose, and therefore the publications in them must adapt to this objective. For example, while more personal or