
Open API for developers

  In the World Wide Web, you hear more and more often that companies offer an open API for developers. But what is an API anyway? API stands for ”  A  pplications  P  rogramming  I  nterface” and as the name suggests, it is an “application programming interface”. An API interface is used for the exchange and further processing of content and data. This allows various software and hardware components to connect, such as applications, hard disks and (graphical) user interfaces of websites and programs. Through an  open interface , many programs can connect to a platform by dynamically integrating the provided data of the platform into other programs. This works through a clearly structured access to functions of the backend. External programs and websites can access exactly the data that is useful to them and process it as desired. Open API of Reviso The  cloud accounting software  Reviso  also  has an op...

Managing the fixed assets of your company

  From an economic or accounting point of view, when we refer to fixed assets we speak of those elements of the company’s assets that intervene in the productive cycle, but do not disappear with it, in contrast to the elements that are called circulating, which disappear with the manufacturing and sales cycle of our product (or our service). In short, they are elements whose usefulness usually extends for more than a year. They are both conceptually and accountably part of the company’s assets. We distinguish between tangible fixed assets (machinery, furniture, computer equipment), intangible (patents, transfer rights, intellectual property, administrative concessions …) and real estate. The particularity of its behaviour at the level of income and expenses is that we do not discount the purchase price at the time of acquisition, but each year we depreciate or amortise a percentage of it, which will depend on the type of asset that is. Depreciation is the accounting refle...

Identifying Deferred Income

Deferred revenue or Income  which is sometimes also referred to as unearned income relates to payments received from a customer in advance for services or goods which they have yet to receive or be delivered. What is Deferred Income Keeping track of deposits paid by customers and knowing when these should hit your accounts can be a tricky business. Large corporations down to  SME’s and freelancers  will experience this issue and any business that deals in payments in advance or on account would normally be expected to know exactly how much has been received as deferred revenue so, let’s explain this is in a bit more detail and see how it should be handled within your accounting system. Prepayments/Accruals Any customer that pays in advance, creating a  prepayment , on account or stage payments should be treated as a liability within your balance sheet until the work has been completed or the stage that you’ve charged them for has been completed as prior to this,...

How interest rates affect us

  If you are a follower of the economic press, one of items of news that has had more impact these days is the decision by the monetary authorities of both the United States and Europe to reduce the interest rate of money or announce future reductions in their respective areas of action. The question is, do these movements of high economic spheres really affect ordinary citizens? Do they have an influence on our day-to-day economy? The answer, although we don’t believe it, is yes, especially if we are small entrepreneurs. How changes in interest rates affect us When a Central Bank lowers the interest rate of money, what it is doing is lowering the price of money. Because, indeed, money has a price, the interest that central banks charge to commercial banks for lending them money. And yes, commercial banks are the ones who lend money to us. We start to see the relationship, right? A reduction in interest rates of money what it does is to encourage banks to l...

Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Financial Operations

In the information age,  artificial intelligence  has established itself as one of the most revolutionary forces, transforming industries and ways of life.  In particular, the financial sector, always seeking precision, efficiency and innovation, has embraced AI with enthusiasm and high expectations.  This guide explores  how AI is redefining the financial landscape , providing unprecedented opportunities and presenting unique challenges.   AI, with its capabilities in  machine learning ,  predictive analytics , and  processing large amounts of data , has found fertile ground in the financial sector.  On the one hand, it has the potential to  optimize existing operations , making processes faster and more accurate.  On the other hand, it paves the way for  new strategies and services , which until recently were considered impossible.   Finance , traditionally an industry driven by numbers and data, now finds itself...

Taking control of your Business

  In  this blog we take you through various areas to help you understand how to gain  control over all areas of your business . With todays technological developments you can achieve a complete overview of your business with up to date data, in real time. This gives you the confidence to know what position your business is in and make judgement calls knowing all the facts. To gain this control in the past, you had to build a high-cost IT infrastructure, not so now. Today,  SMEs, start-ups and freelancers are interested in cloud management software applications . A key benefit of cloud applications is their scalability, only paying for what they really need and use. Especially at the beginning, small businesses can not predict exactly how many resources will be needed. Why are  dy namic scalable IT resources  important.... because the online application grows with the company and resources can be made available if needed....

The cybersecurity of your company is an ongoing task

  Currently companies handle a massive amount of data and, among them, malicious data that goes virtually unnoticed and that should be identified in order to  avoid possible cyber attacks  to our web pages and servers, among other areas. It is a problem that seems to be becoming more day to day and we must take into account that we are all vulnerable to this. One of the priorities of any business should be to  protect the company from possible computer attacks , since the consequences can be fatal. Therefore, we wanted to make this blog and tell you a little more about cybersecurity and the possible or types of attacks that any company may suffer. What is cybersecurity? The word cybersecurity refers to the mechanisms that have the purpose of  defending the computer systems of a possible attack , repelling it and even eliminating it. By living in a modern and technological world we work daily with a multitude of applications and smart devices. Therefore...