Managing stress the way we should
The intense and hectic pace of the Working life is undoubtedly one of the main causes of the occurrence of clinical symptoms of stress. Self-employed, entrepreneurs and small business owners have working days that run from getting up in the morning until the end of the day and the go to bed again. This makes it very difficult to switch off. In addition, there are constant tensions that affect health at various levels that can also have an impact. Persistent stress can, over time, increase the risk of heart disease and the onset of depressive symptoms, and even promote the occurrence of obesity due to poor eating habits. Without forgetting something that can also be very important: the decline in cognitive performance. An overworked mind is less and less able to make the right decisions. Dealing with stress in everyday life must become a task which must be taken very seriously in order to ensure an increasingly quiet working life. Enjoy some of the most successful techniques...