
Showing posts from September, 2023

Is it time to find a Business Advisor?

  In today’s market keeping your business going and afloat is the main concern for most business owners. Being a small business owner has always meant you have to cover all aspects of your business and even more so today. This can lead to having to multi task and stretch your capabilities especially when online sales are now a very important part of everyday life and becoming increasingly so. Learning new skills, diversifying your products to suit the market trends can give you a sense of having to cover all bases and a constant juggle of resources. The one area that does tend to get pushed to the back of the pile is your accounting. Like most SME’s the bookkeeping can be left until the evening or the weekend before you have time to go through the invoicing, receipts, bank statement etc. It can be a false economy trying to do this yourself not to mention the impact it has on what should be your downtime, spending a well earned break from your computer, whether that’s exercising, chilli

The road to personal development

  Do our private and work lives influence each other?  The answer is inevitably, “Yes, of course.”   Perhaps there are people who find it easier to switch off when they have a personal problem and can carry on with their job or tasks without any problems.  In fact, in some cases, work can even help us unwind.  However, when we work in a hostile or unmotivating environment, it can become a nightmare when we also have serious problems at home, with our friends or with our personal finances. Although in our world today it seems like we are pressured to separate our personal life from our work like, the truth is that these two should not be two watertight areas. There are also lessons from one that can be applied to the other to enrich each other.  Some key points to keep in mind are: Personal development  – ​​It would be ideal if we all worked on what we are good at, what motivates us or what we have studied for a job or training.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case and many peopl

Inventory Management

  Any company dealing with Inventory whether this is manufacturing or finished products has to plan and consider a lot of areas within their business, this ranges from production, warehousing, distribution, supplier issues, staffing, stock control, all this and more has a big affect on managing the day to day running of a business. Inventory Management Managing the flow of goods and deciding when and where to warehouse your goods is by no means a simple task. Having funds tied up in Inventory can lead to a lot of businesses encountering cash flow issues. Balancing demand and lead times on products along with trying to meet your customers needs can be a tough challenge for many companies. Inventory management plays a big part in making sure that the stock you hold is the stock you will be selling and not necessarily stock purchased to cover all lines of products in a just in case scenario, no one wants to be left with products they can’t sell even at a discount, reducing your margins ca